[Duel Monitors]Help with fullscreen problem


Veteran X


I have my TV hooked up through HDMI. And my Monitor VGA (I think. Not so important). My computer will only allow me to have something full-screened until I click on the other monitor; So... If I wanna watch a streaming video on my TV full screened and surf the web at the same time It won't work. The second I click around on my monitor... whatever program I am full screened goes back to window mode. Suggestions? I know there has to be a way to fix this.

It's the same if I want to run something "IE:Hulu" on my computer monitor full screen and put a streaming video full screen on the other.

Also, I havn't found a way to have sound come out of both my TV and my Speakers at the same time.
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There is no way around it that I know of because windows sees both monitors as one screen. You just gotta make it fullscreen windowed mode. Then it works fine

This has to do with how Windows handles "focus" for full-screen apps. There's no way to change it except to look for an alternate media player like VLC or MPC or whatever the cool kids are using these days.