naptown's my bitch

we have a cottage/loft that i can rent out to you for 1150

and you have full access to the garden for parties and shit

that's a brolie rate
we're renting it out now to an olympic rowing team that's training down here but their lease is up in three months

(they pay 1400)

if you really do come down i will hook you up
i almost pulled the trigger on moving to miami last summer when i was accepted at the U

i had to stay in indy for a bit longer though

i'm afraid i wouldn't get anything done in miami except beach, drugs and whores

plus i still need to learn spanish
my two best friends down here (who we rent out to) are boilers fans. i'm 100% serious, come down to check it out and if you like it we can work out something

that's the mur's twin sis

we had a huge colts superbowl party that ended in debauchery