[Petition]Change Beren's Title to Infractwhore

hey retard from fag town

of course Canada also flies similar aircraft, so I am comfortable with this photo.
See i would never give an infraction for that.

I don't see people saying that i infract to much as a bad thing. I mean we used to just ban for stuff that we now infract for. Infractions are good. We could always just go back to banning for more things.
oh shit I forgot the t at the end of thought. Don't worry guys, I edited my original post to include the t at the end of thought to make what I said a little bit easier to understand.
Beren you give out a huge % of the total infractions. What's with that? I don't think you 't feel any resentment that the other Admins (cough*Yankee*cough) are not doing too much. Maybe you like the extra work. Maybe Yankee has a busy life and you don't. I am just wondering how you guys share the duties?