TMNT Pudding Pies circa 1990


Veteran XV
Anyone remember these? They were so fucking good, I often think about them daily. Wish I could eat just one, one more time.

Yeah I remember those being pretty tasty, I've heard rumor that they still exist just not under the turtles label

but I couldn't tell you where
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well I went to the hostess outlet, a grocery store, and a gas station, and I only saw chocolate pudding pies. no vanilla ones and no TMNT ones.
valiant effort though

turtle pies and ecto cooler, 2 great products that supposedly still exist somewhere in the world
i loved the tmnt ice cream. it's what i'd always get from the ice cream man. trying to eat around the bubblegum so i could save it for last. and the green shit i took the next day. it was an experience eating those.