[h1n1] bad batch of vacinations

Tantric Rex

Veteran XV
170,000 h1n1 vacinations pulled in Canada because they are causing life threatening allergies. And here I thought it was supposed to be safe. I wonder how many bad batches have gotten thru.

I thought h1n1 was supposed to be burning like a wildfire by now?

Dangerous Batch of H1N1 Vaccine Found - CBS News

The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline says it has advised medical staff in Canada to not use one batch of swine flu vaccine for fear it may trigger life-threatening allergies.

GlaxoSmithKline spokeswoman Gwenan White said Tuesday the company issued the advice after reports that one batch of the swine flu vaccine might have caused more allergic reactions than normal.

She says the affected batch contains 172,000 doses of the vaccine. She declined to say how many doses had been administered before the advice to stop using them was given.

White says GlaxoSmithKline wrote to Canadian healthcare professionals advising them to stop using the batch on Nov. 18. She says a total of 7.5 million doses of the vaccine have been distributed in Canada
Obama's fault, when will this end?


When everyone is DEAD of course..He did state it as one of his campaign promises. Whats that you say, you didn't hear him you say? Well my friend hes a democrat which we all know is a communist.

Yes thats right little billy, thats right! communists kill their own countrymen in massive purges killing millions... :)
I had to get my mom to the doctor because of flu.
At the doctor they were handing out free vaccines so I got one anyway.

170,000 h1n1 vacinations pulled in Canada because they are causing life threatening allergies. And here I thought it was supposed to be safe. I wonder how many bad batches have gotten thru.

I thought h1n1 was supposed to be burning like a wildfire by now?

Dangerous Batch of H1N1 Vaccine Found - CBS News

The report doesn't say it's causing life threatening allergies. It says it might have caused more allergic reactions then normal.
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I still havn't caught it, and I've been around plenty of people who has/had it. I might've caught it but was extremely minor or somthing.
I believe it's because GSK uses eggs to grow the virus before turning it into a vaccine and that could trigger allergies. What's stupid is that the Canadian government could have had several companies making the vaccination but only chose to have a single supplier that has come short on their deliveries several times.