LAPD squeals about new art


Musashi's Suck-pig, Rayn's Apprentice
Veteran XX
Quite some years ago our cities fore-mothers and fore-fathers decreed that any new development in Los Angeles would set aside a certain percentage of the development costs for artwork.

I.E; You want to build a building? You're going to install some art.

So along comes the LAPD, deciding they want a new headquarters. So a call goes out to artists and out of a dozen or so, two are picked. $500,000 dollars later...


The fuzz are not amused. :rofl:

Meet Spring Street's New Public Art :: blogdowntown

Public art review: Peter Shelton's 'sixbeaststwomonkeys' | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times

Sculptures at LAPD's new home likened to 'cow splat' --
the public art review article was funny if only for pointing out how fucking unhinged people have always been
did they not get any preview work from the artists? They just say "hey lets give this money to the artists and you know, whatever!"