Going to start trapping the stray cats in my area, do I warn the crazy cat lady?

So there's a crazy cat lady that lives on the corner of my street who leaves out cat food everyday for the dozens and dozens of cats that's she has now attracted. I can't leave my building without seeing a stray, and at night they climb onto my car since I usually have the warmest engine. Not to mention the feces and mating/fighting I have to listen to at night. I've tolerated this for years but enough is enough.

I called the city, and basically they they weren't going to do shit but I could set traps as long as they were on my property. I'm going to speak with the owner of the building, and with her permission start baiting a trap every night for these fuckers. It'll take me months, but eventually I'll get every one of those fuckers. My only problem is whether to alert the cat lady. I don't want her cat to end up in my trap, so I'm thinking of giving her a heads up. Only problem with that is she'll know who's making all of her cats disappear and my hold a grudge. TW?
Ignore her.

She will learn that her cat is no longer the top predator and has been predated.

Further bonus to you: more birds, squirrels, chipmunks, snakes and all other wildlife will begin to flourish. Please start killing cats soon, and make sure you upload your pics to the cat thread.

wait till a female goes into heat then film her getting a train ran on her.

take the movie and sell it on the internet.
What do you plan on doing with them? Getting them fixed? Unless she's really crazy, I doubt she'll mind that too much.
You have to keep complaining to the city. Send letters to the Mayor and show up at a town hall meeting. They'll ignore you at first but eventually they'll talk to the lady. She's the problem. If the city keeps ignoring you, then you send letters to the county. You getting involved will lead to a confrontation where cops are involved and you'll get arrested for blowing up.
The city said it was legal for me to put traps on my property, and I won't be killing the cats I'll be dropping them off at the shelter. What could go wrong, not taking the lady into consideration. According to the city what she is doing is perfectly legal, except for letting her cat out. You can put food out as long as it's on your property and before 10:00 pm. There's nothing I can do about it except for trapping the animals that come onto my property and turning them into the shelter that's less than 10 blocks from my home.
I love fucking cats okay! I would cry if one of them were to even hurt themselves in the humane traps I'm going to buy. No cats will be harmed during the filming of this production.
If you're doing it to better the lives of the animals, then do it. If you're doing to be a bastard, that just has nothing better to do than fuck with animals that have to deal with human bullshit, you deserve a few years in detention.
If you could release the cats into the city hall building or court building somehow, they might come to eventually view it as more of a community necessity.