[TW Homeowners] A/C question


Veteran X
I especially like how the "Homeowners" part of the header limits an ENORMOUS PART of the TW POPULACE...

So here's my 2-PART (answer both, like a true f*cking homeowner!) question:

How often do you change out the A/C filter and what "type" of filter do you use?
I try to remember to do it every 3 months.

I get the fabric ones that look like /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ not the shitty fiberglass weave ones that you can see through.

If you spray some light weight unscented oil on the filter it will be more efficient at passing air through it and catching particulates in the air.
Filtrete 1900 Ultimate Allergen

I use those. Change every 60 days or so.

Most people probably go a lot longer (6 months ?) but I get them for nearly free so why not.

The only problem with those is that they catch a lot more shit - and even though it says change every 90 days - it starts blocking the air flow.

You're better off with a cheap as shit filter and just change every month.
I try to remember to do it every 3 months.

I get the fabric ones that look like /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ not the shitty fiberglass weave ones that you can see through.

If you spray some light weight unscented oil on the filter it will be more efficient at passing air through it and catching particulates in the air.

You ricing out your house?

Not if you have any one in your house with allergies. Then they are a god send ;) The cheap ones don't get clogged up as fast because they don't catch nearly as much and you end up breathing it in.

and like I said I get them nearly free. If you do have a dust allergy try those out they work wonders.
Not if you have any one in your house with allergies. Then they are a god send ;) The cheap ones don't get clogged up as fast because they don't catch nearly as much and you end up breathing it in.

and like I said I get them nearly free. If you do have a dust allergy try those out they work wonders.

I've got a HEPA filter to catch the other shit in my bedroom.

But last time I tried the Filtrete - they cost like 12 bucks each and seemed to clog the fucking air flow up.