age - who is the youngest?

/age /me is $calc(($ctime - $ctime(November 18 12:00:00 1989)) /31555440) years old.

i dont know what time i did either i just left it at 12:00:00
I was born 1/4/89 at 9:06am, and I weight 6lb 9oz

Ive been playing Tribes since I was 10. End of December of 99. It was an early b-day present from my dads friend.
17 years old, played tribes when i was 7/8, found TW through my brother

i think skysnipe is younger than me though, and gayer
21, I actually didn't play T1 though :(

I started playing T2 when I was 13 though. The team I was on had a porn section on their forums, and they didn't let me access it :( As for TW, no fucking clue how I found it...probably just random link on TWL or something.

I know there's a few around my age who I played T2 with, and a few of those people played T1 even younger than that.

I think Fish-Stix said he played T1 when he was like 8 or some shit...
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21. Played the T1 demo that came with Starsiege years and years ago. Got the full game when it was up for download a few years back. Found the website not long after
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