[Commercial] am I the only car geek who only notices one thing


Linux Tribes++
Veteran XV

Every time this commercial comes on, I only see one thing. (I think you have to watch the HD version to see it.)
no big deal, I think you are more normal if you don't notice it. :shrug:

the landing is going to be a bit rough with a busted tie rod.

(usually when you are in front of a vehicle you shouldn't see the entire outside of both rims.)
of course, from an advertising perspective, it's pretty ambitious to try to make something as lame as a minivan look cool.

I'm not thinking that's going to go so well for them.
That's like the scene in T2 where the T1000 drives the semi off the bridge. You can see one of the front wheels goes totally rogue but then a few seconds later the truck is perfectly fine.

It pretty much ruins the whole movie for me.
Speaking of tierods, that reminds me of an interesting night I had last weekend. I'm hanging with some car buddies down on the street where car people hang out. We hear a snap and squealing tires of a car breaking a tie rod. A mexican family gets out, cops show up, car gets towed, family walks off. The cops leave and the family crosses the street into our parking lot. The guy walks up to a big ass truck, opens the door, the alarm goes off, alarm gets shut off, the truck starts up and they leave. We were all like WTF?

Later in the night, a guys exhaust full off in the same intersection. He spent three hours on the side of the road trying to figure out what to do. He finally did something, then fumbled with his keys as three black guys were walking towards his car. He slowly drove off at about 10 mph with his hazards.