christians arent all bad


Veteran XV
boy scouts are a christian organization
girl scouts were formed as a counterpart to boy scouts
girl scouts sells girl scout cookies
thin mints are girl scout cookies
thin mints are good
christians are good?

Oh man, where can I get me some freakin girl scount cookies?! The chocolate mint ones man .. I'd buy $100.00 worth!!A
The Hells Angels also have qood qualities.

Every cult has a "good" front, and at times I'm sure they mean well.
Yep, probably true on the toy run. I've seen their local run to Markham Park in South Florida. Hundreds of bikers carrying toys on the highway with a cop escort, the entire highway practically shut down with people on the side waving at them like a parade.

Same goes for FSU, they meant well also, wanted to clean up the heavy metal clubs. All good and well until they started dealing drugs and killing people.