[URGENT] Consolidated Prawn Thread in Trouble!


Veteran XV
Basically, I got the equivalent of a C&D from Dreamhost for storing 100GB of prawn (and transferring about 650GB per month) on their discount hosting (See: http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14070865).

It seems like you have a lot of disk usage on your account that isn't direct content needed for your public web site(s).

Our policies require that you keep any non-essential-for-your-live-public-
websites content (as well as anything that would violate our TOS at:
Web Hosting by DreamHost Web Hosting: Web Sites, Domain Registration, WordPress, Ruby on Rails, all on Debian Linux!) on a special account-wide "backups
user", and not on any of your "regular" user accounts.

It lasted longer than I thought it would, so I'm not too disappointed. What this does mean is that we need to find another host. I know a few of you have volunteered to rehost the files, I just dont remember who you are, hence the thread.

Also, is there some sort of FTP automation thing where we can get a server to connect to the FTP and download everything for easy transfer? I'll be happy to give up the scripts and all that I used to get this working. If we can act quickly enough, we can preserve all that we've uploaded, and this can just be a host change instead of the death of the TW prawns.

It's been a good run (10+TB of bandwidth later), and hopefully we can keep it going on another host.




my host just died also :(
well I didn't have tons of pron on there though so no loss!
wait, dreamhost doesnt let you hotlink your own stuff? I didnt read that wrong?
been telling people this forever. They give you all that space but basically you can only use it for web page. I'm sure if you actually used it all for your web page they'd find a reason not to let you use it as well. That huge amount of space they supposedly give you is a scam.
been telling people this forever. They give you all that space but basically you can only use it for web page. I'm sure if you actually used it all for your web page they'd find a reason not to let you use it as well. That huge amount of space they supposedly give you is a scam.

they'll let you do stuff, just not porn. I have seen people with movies/music and they let them keep it.
Sounds a little like my web host. They allow only a certain amount of hotlinkable stuff, and require you to use the rest with webpages. They "prefer" you use their affiliate links on every one of your pages (they don't force you to) as well.

Sounds like Dreamhost is whining because they're not making any referral money off your hotlinking.