I see 9:11 every day twice a day...


Veteran XX
I swear for over 2 years now I've some how looked at the clock nearly every day and seen 9:11 in the morning and night. It is starting to creep me out :scared:
I heard we start seeing the time we are going to die ... around the time we are going to die.
does you think that saddams ever was able to make these weapons of mass destruction

or as they is called, B-L-T's?
i have an uncanny ability to always notice the clock at 11:11 myself...... it too freaks me out. I assume it's the worst super power a person could have.
I don't think you fellas quite understand the importance of this situation. My psychic ass is detecting something serious...
It used to happen to me between years 2000 and 2003, consequently, it was the time when my parents usually came home from work.