[Official] Christmas Sigs

done (funny..I did it after seeing your xmas sig in a thread and realizing I had to get rid of my turkey one)
Dammit I lost my old one I'm going to have to make a new one...

I haven't donned the the Christmas Lemonhead in like 4-5 years. I lost it a long long time ago and never bothered to make another one until this year (along with Zombiehead and Pilgrimhead).
I haven't donned the the Christmas Lemonhead in like 4-5 years. I lost it a long long time ago and never bothered to make another one until this year (along with Zombiehead and Pilgrimhead).

I'm not sure how to christmasize my new bew sig...mebbe rudolph's head in the wok...
My sig is perfect for all occasions.

Christmas? Christ in my sig
Thanksgiving? Who do you pray to?
Halloween? Jesus was a zombie
Easter? Zombie Jesus