Mobile TW?


Veteran XV
So I went to check TW on my iPhone this morning, and it showed up like an app with a simple list of threads that I could click on. Awesome! However I had some problems...

I can only see the first post... none of the replies. I can't reply to any posts or make new posts either. Pretty much all I can do is just look at the front page list of posts. There is no option to switch to the full site either... which I can easily read on my iPhone.

Regardless... it's a step in the right direction!

- DM
i got stuck with this on my iphone last night too..

allow me to redirect to regular TW unless u plan to finish this app with replies and the ability to reply and view images and click on links etc.
should probably add this back into the mobile template..

<select name="styleid" onchange="switch_id(this, 'style')">

<optgroup label="Quick Style Chooser">
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="29" class="" selected="selected">-- projectTriton</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="30" class="">---- projectTriton Liquid</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="22" class="">-- New Work Safe</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="23" class="">---- New Work Safe Liquid</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="25" class="">-- TribalWar</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="26" class="">---- TribalWar Liquid</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: option -->
<option value="27" class="">-- Mobile</option>

<!-- END TEMPLATE: option -->
the mobile template has a link to reset your style on the bottom, I added it some moths ago. I can't add the code you posted above because it uses javascript which is unsupported.
I'm talking about the mobile template, not the app. I don't know anything about iPhones, but I assume there is something in place to redirect you if you surf from an iPhone now? I haven't heard anything about the app but I assume its a project of Col's since I know he was talking about implementing this some time ago. If that's the case, the original design work I saw on the project looked very good and I imagine it will be a finished product in the end.

Anyway, I'm sure there will be a comment on it from the people involved once they are here later on
It's just like... a plain white page with thread titles that you can click on which take you to the first post. That's it. No way to revert back to the full site. I'm sure it will be fixed and I look forward to the full version.
the mobile template has a link to reset your style on the bottom, I added it some moths ago. I can't add the code you posted above because it uses javascript which is unsupported.

that's good to hear

i actually havent checked in a few months because i'd gotten trapped the previous time
the site is redirecting to the ___ arent even but w/e

maybe someone converted it or hacked the site

edit: someone iphoneized tw
It was something I was working on. I'll remove it. It basically uses the RSS feed to create an iphone template. But as you said, it doesn't have all the data.