Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies'


Veteran XX
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Yes, we're dummies. You. Me. All 300 million of us. Clueless. We should be ashamed. We're obsessed about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, half-truths and outright lies. McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer matters who's president.

Why? The real "game changer" already happened. Democracy has been replaced by Wall Street's new "disaster capitalism." That's the big game-changer historians will remember about 2008, masterminded by Wall Street's ultimate "Trojan Horse," Hank Paulson. Imagine: Greed, arrogance and incompetence create a massive bubble, cost trillions, and still Wall Street comes out smelling like roses, richer and more powerful!

Yes, we're idiots: While distracted by the "illusion of democracy" in the endless campaign, Congress surrendered the powers we entrusted to it with very little fight. Congress simply handed over voting power and the keys to trillions in the Treasury to Wall Street's new "Disaster Capitalists" who now control "democracy."
Why did this happen? We're in denial, clueless wimps, that's why. We let it happen. In one generation America has been transformed from a democracy into a strange new form of government, "Disaster Capitalism." Here's how it happened:

Three decades of influence peddling in Washington has built an army of 42,000 special-interest lobbyists representing corporations and the wealthy. Today these lobbyists manipulate America's 537 elected officials with massive campaign contributions that fund candidates who vote their agenda.
This historic buildup accelerated under Reaganomics and went into hyperspeed under Bushonomics, both totally committed to a new disaster capitalism run privately by Wall Street and Corporate America. No-bid contracts in wars and hurricanes. A housing-credit bubble -- while secretly planning for a meltdown.
Finally, the coup de grace: Along came the housing-credit crisis, as planned. Press and public saw a negative, a crisis. Disaster capitalists saw a huge opportunity. Yes, opportunity for big bucks and control of America. Millions of homeowners and marginal banks suffered huge losses. Taxpayers stuck with trillions in debt. But giant banks emerge intact, stronger, with virtual control over government and the power to use taxpayers' funds. They're laughing at us idiots!

Would you like to know more?
14 reasons Main Street loses while Wall Street sinks democracy - MarketWatch
I couldn't agree more

(about the article). Orbital would blame it on nanobots and space-aliens..which are also at fault, but in entirely different ways. Sexual ways.
I appreciate the fact that you believe money and wealth and power is important to all of our lives and I appreciate the fact that you are very intelligent and know so many things about this. All I want to say is that this stuff does not influence your happiness negatively until you allow it to impact you in a negative fashion. But by the same token if you let it impact you that is fine, I just wish to help and if you do not feel like changing your perspective then it is fine. You have a fine perspective.
Money and wealth and power is important to all of our lives and yet it does not impact our happiness negatively until we allow it to.

As in, when I realize I don't have any?
Sure, if power and respect is what you crave then it may impact you negatively when you feel that you are not getting as much power and respect as you deserve. I do not expect you to see how little this really affects you, and if you wish to continue carrying on the same opinion that is perfectly fine. I only want to make sure that if you can transcend that I may help your ascension in any way.
You let jews run you any way they like. You deserve whatever is coming to you. When you show backbone and start resisting the jews and the rootless plutocratic white traitors, then you will have respect.
What a surprise a socialist complaining about corporatism and blaming the Republicans for it. Yawn.