Cinder Block Wall Crushes Dudes Leg

Loving the commentary:

i was hungry at home so i..:
took a piece of bread and pooped on it.i then spread it over the bread with a butter knife.after adding some olive oil i then proceed to sprinkle some sugar on it.i then fed it to my girlfriend..she looked more hungry than me.that made me smile and she had a sh1t eatin grin...:)

oh, and this one too:

I turned on some grunge music, and went about shaving:
my balls and ass...It was really I dont have to part my pubic hair, and untangle my pecker from it when I have to pee. And I don't have to worry about dingleberries anymore. The poop just slides right on out, and clean up is a cinch. It took forever since I haven't done it in so long. The grow out was absurd. So first I attack the hair with a pair of trimming clippers carefully. Than I do a pass with a cheap BIC single blade razor, and finish up with a Shick Quatro. It really does leave the balle

Seems like that is meant to be slipped into one of the quick cuts of one of those ridiculous protest videos set to Rage Against the Machine or something.