how much is your sewer bill

My water and sewer is on the same bill so not sure how it's broken down. Water bill runs about $30 - $35 / mo though.
Mine is covered by my HOD, but at our apartment for a 1 bedroom I think we were paying like 30$/month.
my sewer bill is included in my water bill

but lately the sewer item alone has been more than the entire bill used to be
Yeah ~$80 a month is rediculous. Perhaps it includes something else? If it's a flat rate that's BS too, since they're charging you the same as someone that has five kids and two irrigation systems.
my apartment complex just switched to a billing company which distributes the total sewer/water usage over the entirety of the apartment's currently rented.

i used to pay 13/mo for sewer/water combined, and now pay ~40 for my studio apartment. my last sewer bill was 18 and some change.
I don't think we pay for sewer.

It did cost me $8k to tap on to the city sewer though. House had septic when we bought it.
I was sure it was a mistake when I got it in the mail, I drove to the Township and talked to the ladied there, they explained that the watershed area I live in has a very old and complex sewage and water system. Everyone in the area pays the same 250 per homestead per quarter.

Very old and complex as in failing and requiring massive upkeep I guess. That's insane, you should write your congressman or something.