[Pic] SexPistol recieves scholarship from church while wearing TW T-shirt


Veteran X


was going through old pics i had saved on the backup and found this :]
He said that it was an old picture.

BTW, you should have blotted out the names Einstein, you can't trust some of the loonies around here with RL info.

It's too late, I've already cataloged it in my extensive file archive.
I now have your real name, and your mother's name. Soon I will have all of your personal information in my TW database (MySQL ~20,000 records).
i saved this clip and i will re host it in the event of him actually doing something smart and editing the names.

Remember people sexpistol has been quoted in saying "wait so dogs actually breath out of their noses" in a thread when he was attempting to use force get his dog high this kid is beyond fucking stupid.
!bew. pistol duel in middle starts in 3...2...

nice one btw. free monies.
though $500 doesnt pay for a class where im at.

what focus of 'multimedia' ?

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