People who audibly grunt whilst pooping


Veteran X
What's the deal with this? I seriously don't get it. Nothing like dropping a spike in a public restroom and hearing some (presumably) fat fuck grunting, hissing and sighing while trying to force god knows what out of his cock socket.

What exactly does vocalizing your anal struggle accomplish? Does it make it come out easier? Seems to be ineffective if that's the case. Someone please explain this to me so I can understand, and also so we all know who the shit sighers of TW happen to be.
i appreciate it when people cover a massive deuce plop with a cough
those are the best kinda people
Why do people grunt when they're lifting something? Because they're physically exerting their bodies to do something.. like shitting!
I like to announce the size of my shit when I do it in a public restroom. I also like to give commentary while shitting. I'll purposly go in a stall right next to someone and ask them how their shit is going and if they need some assistance.