[NWS] Girl I fucked around with

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this post brought to by Batcave

LMFAO! This thread is hilarious enough already then I choked on this. :rofl:
Hang on, has she proved he didn't fuck her yet?

Why do we assume it's aiden who's the liar?

Do what? I'm simply reminding all the people that love to talk shit about my female skills that I've never acted this lame to get with a chick, and that they're being a bunch of vagina chasing retards.


anytime boys on the internet try to get a chick to show her unmentionables in a public setting it has nothing to do with chasing pussy. it is an expression of hope and desperation that they will talk a female with hopefully damaged self esteem into doing something degrading that will make themselves feel powerful. and then they will launch semen all over a picture of her self-esteem-damaged genitals or something.

and in that way, negative sexual energies are released into the atmosphere, where they float up to god and make the angels cry. the angel tears mix with the rain and run down onto trees that are then farmed and chopped up to create the paper that is used to print shitty collegiate experimental literature periodicals. and then chicks who use the internet read these faggoty emo journals, get all depressed, and eventually troll the internet for forums where some asshole faggots can talk her into disrobing for a cheap thrill. and thus the cycle begins anew.
is this cum dumpster bitch still posting? You guys need to fucking ignore her. It's so painfully obvious she's here for the attention..

I cant believe how TW can be brought to it's knees by some attention whoring bitch. Where the fuck is Aestis when you need him?
My sponsorship is more valuable. Schmuck's Bar and Grill might sponsor the newest episode of American Idol, but that's certainly not as valuable as a sponsorship from Citigroup Corporation. See where I'm going with this?

who would want a Vet 4 sponsorship?
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