19 Minutes

I always wanted to ask if you just misspelled your original nick "Damn" when you registered your name.

Cuz you look like a "Damn" to me.
Thanks MiNiOn I appreciate that. Shit thinking about this, who was in foo during those days?
No taxi really the reason its my nick is because my last name is Doran and people called me Doranman, and shortened it to Dman.
lessee... Larryboy, Uglzorp, Fearfactory, smay, me, Jcony, you, Homeslice..... ummm indiv, TinyGenitals, voodoo, hit, some others too... dayumn fun times man :D
I think the good ole days are still around its just that they need to be reunited to remember the days, like the old dudes on the front porch in the rocking chairs.