Ever resist a severe uge to be vulgar?

i was working the register at a c-store for a few hours and a poor black person came in and started getting some food items.

After i rang up the last item she told me i had charged her twice for that item.

i told her im pretty sure i didnt and she may have thought the register displaying the previous customers change amount meant her item had been rung up (its a very basic type of cash register)

she said OH NO SIR YOU DID NOT YOU DID NOT <then looking at the people in line behind her> THIS GUYZ TRAYING TO OVACHARG ME

i had to resist the urge to go reach across the counter and strangle her because i know how important it is to keep a customer for repeat business

I told her I was sorry and I was not trying to cheat her out of her money. I refunded the last item rang up.

then I looked at the receipt later and guess what
stupid bitch was wrong
I think i hate a lot of poor black people- is that racist?
Only between the hours of 8 and 1. After that, my filter crumbles and some of the most terrible things in the history of man slip out of my mouth.
I just wish i had big red block letters next to me always displaying the most vulgar thing i could think of at any given time. like
FngrBANG, every time you post you have to censor your urge to be vulgar. Just let yourself be free and type FUCK instead of f*ck for once.