[360] Houston will love this - my 360 died


Veteran XX
Purchased in March of 06, never had any troubles with it until recently when I had to start cleaning the cache regularly to get things running, apparently that was only part of it. Today it red ringed and could not be saved. Ordered my replacement box or whatever from MS, should get that next week. Decided to go ahead and buy the Elite and am just going to give the one I get back to my brother for a few bucks, as I was intending on buying the Elite for the HDMI and such anyway eventually and giving him my 360. I like the Elite so far, it's neato and HDMI is really making my cable situation much more cleanly and now I don't have to swap between my computer and my 360 on the PC Input for my TV.
Yeah but I figured for 50$ I might as well jsut get the bigger hard drive as I had had to start deleting things to make room for content lately anyway. It was either that or the Halo Edition and I went ahead and went with hte Elite in the end.
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