Stephen Colbert's "Cyberrorists"

I stopped watching the daily show long ago for no real reason at all, just was too busy i guess.

Started watching it and colbert for the first time recently and wow have I missed some great suff. Stewart is cool and all but Colbert is the fucking man
watching the daily show is almost depressing when the jokes become reused because it's the same shit government wise
I prefer colbert because he doesn't have the shitty correspondents that they have on the daily show that are shitty actors with shitty jokes in front of a blue screen
the daily show sucks because all it does is make fun of political figures.

atleast when craig kilbourne did it, he did some other stuff. jon stewart just loves beating that dead horse

the colbert report is pretty much the same thing, but entirely satire. sometimes the satire is just too much.
I like the Daily Show. Colbert Report is satire overload. The Daily Show exposes the government for what it is: a fucking joke. I especially like the old news piece they pulled up with Dick Cheney shitting all over the idea of going to war with Iraq. How they contrasted it to the dick sucking he's doing today. Fantastic. Exposes just how deep the corruption runs.