I've come up with the solution to the Tribes masterserver


Veteran X

I've been thinking long and hard about the loss of the Tribes Masterserver which has been keeping Tribes 1 alive for its years. A lot of things dawned on me. I thought of old technologies and new techniques. I've considered technologies like Gamespy and Valves Steam. Through careful planning I believe that I have come up with the solution. This new solution and the answer to our problems that is what do we do when Sierra takes down the Masterserver involves bringing some old technology and combining it with the new which will form the ultimate Paper Over IP Servers.

What is POIPS?
POIPS is the cobining of paper and IP servers together to form a artificial Tribes Masterserver. The main principal of POIPS is a writing instrument such as a pen or pencil, a blank piece of printer paper and your eyes.

How oes POIPS work?
POIPS is easy! You begin by folding a blank piece of printer paper into five sections. You then unfold the paper and at the top center you write POIPS with your writing instrument. For each of the five sections you write down, Server Name, Server IP, Server Type, Time and Date, Number of players. You can draw stars and X to designate which server is your favorite and which server you hate. If a server has a PW, that pw should not be added to the POIPS but on a separate page and stuffed in a locked drawer.

POIPS works well with networking because POIPS works universally there is no garbage information. To network, every month you'll go to a centrally located area such as a forum or IRC channel. You'll then type out your POIPS into the chat box hitting enter at the end of the field. When the POIPS meet is done, you'll throw away your old POIPS and copy the new POIPS from the server. You can also make modifications such as changed IPs etc.

POIPS is scalable and only uses as much space as the size of your handwriting. Als; POIPS makes a great backup median because if a kcomputer crashes all of the information will be backed up.

Lets get started
For all the Tribes servers that want to get involved in POIPS, the server admin should type up all of the server information into this thread in the form that I've provided so that people can begin writing down there POIPS

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Your IP address on that POIPS sheet isn't real. Tribes doesn't list current time in the join lobby either. Also, your grammar terrible.
POIPS seems pretty swell, but data can be destroyed fairly easy with this method as the storage medium is fragile and subject to fire or getting torn. Given the severe importance of T1 server information this is totally unacceptable.

Thats why i've been theorizing on the ultimate resource for the Tribes Master Server. I call it Cognitive Data Retrieval or CDR. Using Cognitive Data Retrieval is fairly simple. First you utilize the POIPS system and write down your server information. Then instead of putting it away for later use, concentrate on the data present on the sheet for a few minutes until it embeds itself in your brain.

Voila! Now you can recall you favorite servers at will. CDR is superior because all the tools you need you are equipped with at birth. The brain (which is the primary storage medium) is encased in a hard shell and is fairly protected from light kinetic damage.

While this technology is still in its infancy, i'm positive CDR can be used to "remember" other things such as:


The list is endless.