[June 14, 2007] What's for lunch?

Probably hitting TGIFriday's at The Orleans.

Tomorrow will be Smith & Wollensky. Been waiting all week for that.
Deli Ham and swiss cheese sammich with some Snyders Honey Mustard and Onion Pretzels pieces, washed down with a Livewire
decided to go with smoked turkey and swiss on pumpernickel rye with some spicy brown mustard instead.

and some KC Masterpiece flavored BBQ Ruffles.
chicken breast, breaded and lightly browned in a bit of olive oil, then thrown in the oven to bake. Brown rice with garlic and scallions.
I'm getting taken out for lunch because it's more or less my last solid meal for at least a week.. tonsils have to come out. Christ.

Where to go? Any suggestions? (keep in mind we're looking for Canadian chains here)
salad from our most excellent salad bar here at work.
Lettuce, spinach, tomato, garbanzo beans, broccoli, cauliflower, banana peppers, olives, and sunflower seeds.
8" sub. Roast beef, 2 slices american cheese, 3 slices of tomato, 2 scoops of hot peppers, sprinkle of parmesan cheese, sprinkle of italian spices, sprinkle of sub oil.

Thats all.