The Warriors

You've got to be kidding. I was cheesed out in the first 10 minutes of that movie.
walter hill baby

one of the best action directors of all time - who the fuck else could get 500 REAL gang members in one place at the same time, without fighting and following direction? fucking awesome

The new directors cut or whatever the fuck its called is kinda gay, but the original is fucking AWESOME

bit of trivia: the warriors graphic novel (that the film was based on) was based on the story of a greek army that went on campaign in persia, but got chased all the way back to greece when they were out-numbered
(FIGHTING retreat, they fucked shit up)

which ties in nicely with the 300 ;>

I always wondered if booker T was ripping off cyrus

also, doesnt cyrus look scarily like he could be the rocks dad?


I love the look on that cunts face when he's about to get swarmed by the riffs

that shit was perfect

but I want to see another film where cyrus doesnt get shot and ze warriorz are ok and their black leader (I forget his name) doesnt die ;<

also, ajax is fucking KING
i watched it for the first time tonight. i was kinda pissed it didnt show the original warriors leader actually die or come back or anything i just had to assume that he bit the bullet. as far as ajax goes, that douchebag got what he deserved. he was a good fighter, but man was he an idiot. only other dude who got rocked was the 1 warrior who got thrown in front of the subway train by the cop right? besides those 3 all the others made it home safe if im correct.
prettymuch, but cleon(I think it was cleon who was the original warchief?) got fucked-up off-screen in the original cut anyway

I know ajax was a fucking idiot, but how heavy would you feel if you had him walking beside you? ;>
the intro sequence to the warriors was one of the first thing I got shown at film-school actually, no-one else in the class had ever seen it

so we all (all 20 of us) sat and watched it together

it was ace ;>

edit: yeah juggsy, they'd probbaly cast affleck and damon as swan and ajax

and add in a gay-love scene
I would almost like to see a remake of the warriors, but i fear they would trash it

of course theyd fucking botch it. hollywood has churned out maybe 1 good film per year everything else is pure shit. not to mention its almost a guarantee that remakes will always suck. i mean shit... they're REMAKES. only exception i can think of off hand is Batman Begins.