[Dogs] Anyone have a SoftCoated Wheaten Terrier?


Veteran X
Been thinking about getting one.
Great in apartments, don't shed. Wondering if anyone has any experience with them and how they liked/disliked them.


no, thats why i want one, it's a medium sized dog that doesnt shed, great temperment (according to my research)

And they are "fun" dogs and very active when you want them to be, or docile when you want them to be, hence perfect for apartments

:wave: Chaos
Yes. they are good dogs... love to run. You need a big yard for them to go nuts in, or a park nearby. They have hair, so regular dog allergies do not apply. Very well behaved, although ours went to training school.
thanks Jaydn, how long did you have it in training school?
Where did you get yours from?
Yea i have a park/field right down the stairs
My folks have 2, they're awesome. The only annoying thing is that they tend to jump you when they greet you at the door...apparently that's typical of the breed.
Terriers are my very favourite breed.
They're cute and cuddly and easy dogs to feed.
They'll bring you up whenever you are down.
Terriers average 20 pounds.
When I walk around in this terrier town,
One thing that makes me down,
Is when people put bandanas on their dogs.

Terriers are my very favourite breed,
Cute and cuddly, easy dogs to feed.
Terriers were there in the 11th century,
Napoleon had one to prevent misery.
Terriers are good with the aged,
Studies show that they prolong old peoples' lives.
No one wants to die,
Like this guy died.
Die die, die die.
Die die, die die.
Worms eating your eyes.

You know those mornings that you just can't get out of bed,
and you call in sick, if you had a job.
You know those mornings when you just wanna watch TV,
eat corn chips and masturbate.

Sure you do.

Well, when those days happen . . .
what you should do is start thinking about my friends.
My little furry, waterproof pals.
You know I'm talking about . . .

Les terriers sont mes types favourites,
Jolies, charmantes.
Pas de probleme a maintenir.
Il donnent du joie.
Quand tu es "blue."
Les terries sont a peu pres,
Vingt livres.

Give terriers a chance (Yeah!)
Do the terrier dance.
No, let's not.
But if you want your love to show,
If you want your love to grow.
Then go terri-, go terri-, go terri- errr.