My Dog Killed a Water Bottle Yesterday


Veteran XX
Which isn't really the point. Those of you that have been around them know that water bottles (this one was a prairie wb I think) aren't nearly as much of a problem to humans as television would like the rest of the world believe, and this one was a big un, minding his own business.

However- I was running (doggy along), and we just came up on him really fast and startled him- so naturally he feels threatened and starts doing his thing really quiet, heh- the dog is still just a puppy (1 year) and had never seen a water bottle in his backyard before.

So the water bottle is doing his "I'm-really-quiet-but-scary!-I AM!" thing and my dog has his hackles up, blah blah blah- I'm just trying to get by him and stay in the backyard while this is all going on, but the damn dog keeps positioning himself between me and the water bottle. So now I'm giggling, but for the two things, this was serious business.

No matter where I was, he kept his one year old self between the WB and me. Finally, he darts in, grabs him behind the head and shakes til he's dead. Rest of the afternoon, he just struts around like king of the living room, secure in the knowledge that he single-handedly saved me from certain death. Just kind of funny.


My dog killed a water bottle.
Of course I have pics
Here he is on the attack

The kill

Gloating over the dead water bottle

Bringing me the killed WB

Waiting for his reward
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