Anyone have the full .mp3 for Marky Mark's "The Touch"?

Okay, now you're talking above my head. I don't know all of this industry jargon, YP, MP. All I know is that I can't get a record contract, we cannot get a record contract unless we take those tapes to the record company. And granted, the tapes themselves are a uh um oh, you own them, all right, but the magic that is on those tapes. That fucking heart and soul that we put onto those tapes, that is ours and you don't own that. Now I need to take that magic and get it over the record company. And they're waiting for us, we were supposed to be there a half hour ago. We look like assholes, man.
Oh dude.. Boogie Nights is the fucking greatest movie ever. Cool, funny, drama, whatever you want.

Just watch the first 3 minutes.. in which they never cut, it's a 3 minute long tracking shot where the cameraman hops off of the crane and starts walking along.. no cuts for 3 minutes.

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Nope, it has "feel the heat" though.

EDIT: That was a wierd reality check, I had to look for my "CDs". WTF.