I think that I will have kielbasa and potatoes for dinner.


However, I really want to make a sun dried tomato pesto.

The problems that I am faced with are as follows:
1: I am lazy tonight
2: I have a lot of school work due tomorrow
3: I lack fresh basil and sun dried tomatoes

A solution for problem 3 is to simply purchase some of the missing ingredients at my local shopping establishment, but problems 1 and 2 come into play at that point.

As such, I believe that I will use ingredients that I have on hand--namely kielbasa and potatoes--tonight and make the pesto tomorrow.

I felt that I should keep you all updated on this important issue.
Since I had a grueling quarter just culminate, and I had teeth pulled immediately after, I am looking to get back on a diet.

I just ran for a half hour, and now I'm having a late lunch of turkey chili and a big plate of brussel sprouts.

I'll prolly have a PBJ sandwich before I goto work, too.