[bittorrent] Weird Problem


Veteran X
I'm torrenting a file and for some reason my download speed just totally crashed and I disconnected from all seeds.

I can see several hundred seeds in the swarm but my client won't connect to them. I have 80 peers connected that I am uploading to at full speed, but for some reason I am not downloading any faster than 0.4 KB/sec.

Everything was working just fine until I suddenly hit this brick wall. Reboots/obtaining new IP etc have not helped. I'm using utorrent.

Help me out here, TeeDub.
is it "We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank?"

I'm having this problem with that torrent...stuck at 98%

what is the url for that utorrent tool? when you click "check to see if port is open" it sends you to some site that checks automatically...what is it?