I had a dream some girl wanted to break my Alienware computer


Veteran XX
She said she was going to put it "under the floor" and then flood the building with water. Some time after that threat I was at a hotel. In the lounge I got tiped off that she was at the hotel, so I rushed up to my suit to defend my computer. She was hiding in the closet. I seduced her and she fell in love with me. Then we were in some dormitories later and I forgot the rest of what happened.
I had a dream about "Arcadus" the other day. I can't remember what it was about...but i remember him being a bad dude. I never have met him before in my life nor do i know what he looks like. IT was weird.
I had a dream a couple nights ago where me and this chick from college were learning in my grandma's apartment (that's only a couple of flats away from ours) and suddenly some gangsters bust in throw me outside, when I go back in they chopped all the girl's toes off and put them in a plastic bag then drove off, and then after a massive chase scene where somehow everyone joined in against these apparently very well known gangsters we catch them and everyone's cheering but the poor girl has already lost her toes and that's very sad. :(