Global warming denial groups funded by ExxonMobil

Gee, what a suprise!

ExxonMobil cultivates global warming doubt: report By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent
Wed Jan 3, 3:32 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Energy giant ExxonMobil borrowed tactics from the tobacco industry to raise doubt about climate change, spending $16 million on groups that question global warming, a science watchdog group said on Wednesday.

ExxonMobil did this by using the same methods used for decades by the U.S. tobacco industry, the report said, including:

-- raising doubts about even the most undisputed science;

-- funding a variety of front organizations to create the appearance of a broad platform;

-- recruiting a number of vocal climate change contrarians;

-- portraying its opposition to action as a quest for "sound science" rather than business self-interest;

-- using its access to the Bush administration to shape federal communications and policies on global warming.

Cliffs: Global warming is real, and the groups that deny it are puppet organizations of Big Oil.
16 million. Someone dig up how much cash the socialists gather up yearly to support the myth of global warming.
1) at what point does an organization become a "front organization"? In my mind, they only are if they are started by Exxon. I don't see why they can't or shouldn't give money to people who are attempting to prove things they believe in (or want to believe in)

2) I like to apply occam's razor. I don't much buy into complex theories of conspiracy and deception. But at the same time, I live in MA and we haven't had a good snow yet, so it feels like the environment is fucked up
No seriously, if they're throwing money at people to say "LOLglobalwarmingLOL" then where do I sign up?
Not that I agree/disagree with the idea of global warming, but it does make sense that a company that would be hurt by the idea of global warming would pay to put a new light on it. However, their tactics in this case do suggest that they are not attempting to refute it through fact, but through other, less scrupulous means.
If there is a controversial current event that could hurt my business I would fund those who are trying to prove it wrong.

Whats the problem here?
And how about the groups that support global warming? Where do they get their money from?

There are people that disbelieve global warming and oil companies will support them naturally. Honestly, there's no issue here. Encourage healthy debate over a topic as opposed to just shooting down the opposition.
PS, very few people dispute that the Earth is getting warmer. Most people argue about how large an impact mankind is having.
The problem isn't exxon mobil funding anti-global-warming groups. The problem is big oil's overwhelming presence in Washington DC. They're in bed with the US government and everybody knows it, and so long as that's the case nothing will happen to move this country away from fossil fuels.
Gee, what a suprise!

Cliffs: Global warming is real, and the groups that deny it are puppet organizations of Big Oil.

It makes sense for XOM to support and fund groups that might benefit the company. Regardless of who is funding it, the question is whether or not there is science to back it up. I'll bet that the environmentalists are funding programs that might help their agenda as well.

Ugh, more religious propoganda on the environmentalists' side. :ugh:
Who cares? There are a million more problems than a car's gasoline consumption.

How about the fact that every plastic we use today comes from petroleum products, or that the roads we drive on require absurd amounts of petroleum to pave, flying guzzles petroleum at a far greater rate than automobiles.

Every time man kind has come close to exhausting a resource we've always found a better replacement "just in the nick of time." I ain't worried.

Lets focus on something we can and will fix, 'cause lessening oil consumption isn't on the list.
The problem isn't exxon mobil funding anti-global-warming groups. The problem is big oil's overwhelming presence in Washington DC. They're in bed with the US government and everybody knows it, and so long as that's the case nothing will happen to move this country away from fossil fuels.
No, America's #1 automaker has only made a hydrogen engine, and is looking to have it mainstream by 2010. But yeah, you're right, we will NEVER move away from fossil fuels. :rolleyes: