Does liquid drano work?


Ice Cold++
Veteran XX

I shaved my head the other day in my shower and was in a hurry and let the hair go down the drain and everytime I take a shower now it never drains out fast enough so by the end of my shower I am ankle deep in dirty water. Anyway just wondering how well this would work.
I went to to ACE hardware and asked the guy for the stuff he would use. It's this yellow bottle, can't remember the name. Let it sit in the drain for an hour then flushed with scalding hot water. Woked fine ever since.

Try that or get a drain snake
Damn people I was just asking a simple question. I have never heard of anybody using this stuff and was wondering if it was worth spending $ on or If I had to go about this some way else.
alpine, you're coming dangerously close to textbook definition of standard akuma retard thread


If the shit didn't work Alpine then nobody would buy it, hence the product would not exist. This in most people's minds, is common sense.
why don't you ask the facility manager to come and snake it?

Only thing bad about my apt. the management fucking blows I have already told them and they have yet to call me back this was a week ago and I have left 2 messages on their machine.
once you get the drain clear, buy a trap for your drain, and running a kettle of boiling water through the drain twice a month will keep it clear.
why not call the landlord and tell them to come snake the fucking line?

it's their responsibility
It's a clogged fucking drain, why in the hell would you need management to come and fix it? Buy the fucking Drano and fix the fucking clog yourself. You can't possibly be this incompetent.
oh whoops

uh.. i have a snake and do my own shit.

snakes are fairly cheap, and are very useful.
you could do it yourself :shrug:
I've got your foaming pipe snake hangin'. ;)

Edit: and like Moker said, snakes are cheap. A replacement coil alone is all of 5 bucks.

I shaved my head the other day in my shower and was in a hurry and let the hair go down the drain and everytime I take a shower now it never drains out fast enough so by the end of my shower I am ankle deep in dirty water. Anyway just wondering how well this would work.

if you dont have drano, just pour lots of bleach down the drain. It works for hair.