Hey fngr is your wife still 'with child' ?

he was born a week ago. she got up in the middle of the night and plop - right into the toilet. they named him aquaman. his crib is a fishbowl...
Let us.

Reggs said:
No pics

Cliffs Notes near end.

I live with my mom and dad(im 19, gf is 18). My gf lives with us. I have old parents and talking about anything sex related just doesn't feel right, and they don't want us having sex because of any "unwanted pregnancies."

Anyway, we do have sex. Im on the larger side and my gf's vagina is not as deep as I am long in some positions. Well we did it for a long time and this morning(the day after) she was bleeding. she thought it was her period, but the blood wasn't thick, and it didn't smell like period blood. I know it's not her hymen that was busted since I already took care of that two years ago. So anyway, now she is bleeding allot, nothing life threatening, but a whole lot.

She doesn't have health insurance, so getting her to a gynecologist will be expensive. We have enough cash saved up, but that's all for an engagement ring. and I don't want to go to my parents for obvious resins.

Cliffs Notes:
-Im long, she isn't deep, we had long sex and now she is bleeding and it isn't her period.

-She lives with me and my parents, and we don't want to tell them about it.

-no pics

-Whats wrong with her, how serious is it, and what can we do about it before seeing a doc?

Thanks sex gods of TW .

Reggs out


The bleeding slowed down by about, what she tells me is 15%. This is the 3rd bleed day and im going ot ask her to set up an apointment with a doc. She doesnt have any pain. untill she can get to a doc im going to get her a few hypo allerginic liquid douches, the stuff the cleanes out the bad bacteria not not much of the good. The blood is still think, but now it has a strange smell thats kind of like fish/amonia. anybody now what it is?
Guys thats not cool.
You fags cry about burning cats and you turn around and say shit like this.
Tribalbob, you are a bigger fag than Reggs.
There. I said it. I'm not taking it back.