Dear German speaking friends;


Veteran XV
how the fuck do you say "Herzogenaurach"

(its a town in Germany...)

I have to say this in class tomorrow for a powerpoint and I have no idea.



Hair zo





everyone else in this thread is incorrect

'genau' actually means 'exactly' in German.

And yeah, like Philipsz said, the z is actually like a ts sound, but no one's going to mistake the pronunciation.
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mongors said:
Close, but no cigar

Tso (o like in opposite)
Gen (G like in graphic)
ou (like in ouch)
rach (like... um... r like in right, a like oo in blood and ch like nothing we have) :)
Obibun said:
really? nice.

Didn't know that. Just picked the word out of the name.
I think so, there are other "Aurachs" afaik. :)

Obibun said:
So what's Aurach?

Just a city name, I think. The Herzogen seems to be added to distinguish it. Or maybe I am way off! :D
I think it means something, I'd have to have a german-english dictionary and puzzle through it for a good 15 minutes though.

Kind of like how.. Walkerton.. Trenton.. Smithsville.. the 'ton' is a bastardized 'town' and the 'ville' is a bastardized 'village'.. I have a theory that aurach is something along those lines.
Obibun said:
I think it means something, I'd have to have a german-english dictionary and puzzle through it for a good 15 minutes though.

Kind of like how.. Walkerton.. Trenton.. Smithsville.. the 'ton' is a bastardized 'town' and the 'ville' is a bastardized 'village'.. I have a theory that aurach is something along those lines.
Maybe. "Aue" means meadow. I can't make anything of "rach" that could fit.