The Boondock Saints

CaptainZero 10/06/2005 said:
In college, my buddy and I had this chick for a roommate. One day, while watching some rentals, and discussing great movies, she chimes in about how there's this movie called Boondock Saints that is possibly the greatest movie in the world. Neither of us had seen it.

The next week after, she's all excited because she rented it for us to see. So, I sit down to watch this movie expecting to see a masterpiece. What I experienced was quite the oposite. The movie from start to finish was fucking ridiculously stupid. The plot was retarded, the acting was atrocious. I laughed during the movie, not because anything going on was actually comical enough to get me giggling, but because I couldn't believe the retardation that was going on. Kind of like how you can laugh at the lines that porn stars say when they're balls deep in pussy.

Ontop of all this absurdity going on in the picture, I very quickly came to realize that the movie was a blatant wannabe Tarantino clone; pulp fiction came to mind. The similarities between the films are so close that it borders on plagurism: The fragmented flow of the movie, moving backwards and forward thru the plot. Samuel Jackson's citation of a Biblical verse prior to commiting murder is compared to the gospel/prayers that they Brothers in BDS's repeat every time that they go to execute judgment on a foe. The argumentative dialogue between the two brothers is pretty much on par with the interaction between Travolta and Jackson in Pulp Fiction. Hell, even the scene in the apartment where the gun goes off and plasters the cat on the wall, is strikingly similiar to the scene in Pulp Fiction where Travolta accidently discharges his pistol into the face of Marvin in the back of the car. All of these things and more are so unorginal, unsurprising, and failed to provoke a laugh, except for the odd chuckle as I contemplated how mind numbing it all was.

Anyway, I can continue and talk about other crap that was in the film that was pretty much downright retarded, but I think I've said enough. Most of what I've said already are the reasons why I find Boondock Saints to be one of the worse movies of all times.
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everyone needs to see overnight, it is the documentary about the guy who made boondock saints

it is much better than BDS
the uncensored version is the only one worth watching. i showed this to my friends thinking the tv version would be same, but they cut out half the gory action. they were like "wtf this is just an average movie, and the acting sucks"
Durak said:
the uncensored version is the only one worth watching. i showed this to my friends thinking the tv version would be same, but they cut out half the gory action. they were like "wtf this is just an average movie, and the acting sucks"


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