Prey is "out"

...but only a "pre-gold-thingy" not retail.

4-5hours playtime reported from several people
(...devs said 10hours+)

so 5hours playtime for 5years development?

Im waiting for DNF.
I wouldnt bother downloading, retail will be out in 2-3days anyway. No reason to play a virus infected/spying/unfinished/buggy beta shit.
i honestly think the retail will be "out" before im done. and i can just install on a non-networked comp to see it. whch reminds me, i dont even remember what prey is like... haha... *goes to google*
I'm near the end of the game. It's been good thus far. Definitely worth playing single player, albeit, very short, but still enjoyable. Definitely better than Quake 4 or Doom 3.