GRAW for the PC ... what the hell are the requirements?


Veteran XX
Everything is set to low and this game goes at a steady 5fps...

my setup:

1 gig DDR

wonder what it needs to run smoothly :( the running slide thing looked awesome enough for me to check it out
Well, I know the system reqs are pretty steep, but it should run better than that on your system.

Upgrade you nVidia drivers?
I tried the demo. I'm on a good rig, and it was horrible FPS. The FOV in that game is complete ass too.
i have same problem

That's a sign that the engine just sucks ass. When games like Oblivion and HL2 run fine on my sytem with HDR and everything, then some shit ass games like eq2 and GRAW barely run at 5 fps, that's a sign of shitty engine and a shitty game in my book. I uninstalled the demo after like 5 minutes of that happy horse shit.
Slobax said:
happy horse shit.
:lol: Thats such a good line.

Anyways, while I'm sure the engine isn't top notch, like Oblivion or Source, it still shouldn't run that bad on his (or yours) systems. I for one, enjoy when companies develop their own engines for games. It gives more life to the market so all these companies aren't just funneling money to iD or Valve for those engines.
The gameplay itself is fine if you can get it to run right. The single player is fun, and coop is a fucking blast.

But I somewhat agree on the engine thing.

The developers decided that the only way to make the game look like Mexico was to use this Deferred Lighting HDR to give it that obnoxious glow. It can't be turned off without breaking other parts of the game (nightvision, to name one) and it is slow as fuck. Not only that, you can't use AA in GRAW. At all. Ugh.

I just don't understand what these people are thinking sometimes. HL2 hits and has HDR and AA and all the cool ass effects that it has, and it runs 20 times better than most of the games that come out that don't look half as good.
Patton said:
I just don't understand what these people are thinking sometimes. HL2 hits and has HDR and AA and all the cool ass effects that it has, and it runs 20 times better than most of the games that come out that don't look half as good.
Well Source was how many years in development? Theoretically speaking, the more time the developers spend on it, obviously it'll be better.
I guess that's true.

It doesn't make it ok, though. Call me a perfectionist, but releasing a game that COULD be good would drive me up a wall. I know I should blame the publishers, but I don't.

And GRAW isn't on the Unreal Engine.

The Raven Shield games are, though.
i have a dell 2005fpw with max resolution, so i set the games resolution to first 1150 then 800
kesh! said:
i have a dell 2005fpw with max resolution, so i set the games resolution to first 1150 then 800
That's a little high for your card. I'd try at 1024x768. Keep in mind your card is the last generation mid-range card too.
Kwago said:
how will the game run on a 2.7GHz Opteron w/ 2GB of DDR500 and a 7800GT
at 1920x1200 (dell 2405)
Probably wouldn't run very well at that resolution. Might be ok at 1680x1050 or 1440x900.