[Poll] What Ethnicity are you? [NWS]


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Everyone here is white. White white white with like two black people.

And some fucking azns, but we know who they are.
Ju! said:
Just curious to what the majority is on Tribalwar.com.

[]Black / African descent
[]East Indian
[]Latino / Hispanic
[]Middle Eastern
[]Native American
[]Pacific Islander
[]White / Caucasian
Why is there never a category like, "complete mix of all kinds of shit -- LIKE MOST FUCKING AMERICANS" -- that would make much more sense.

Because I was adopted, I have no f*cking clue as to how many races have contributed to my double-helix.

It was a closed adoption so I can't even figure out what diseases I am predisposed to contracting...
Honestly, the options provided in most questionnares dealing with this topic just exemplify -- to me -- how socially retarded we are, on a general level, when it comes to issues of race.

We still feel the need to label everyone, and I have a feeling many of the pollsters probably get a little miffed every time they see someone check the "other" category.
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Bounty said:
Why is there never a category like, "complete mix of all kinds of shit -- LIKE MOST FUCKING AMERICANS" -- that would make much more sense.

[] Mutt


im a fuckin mutt

although if you saw me you'd guess white/caucasian or maybe native american
I am a white South African with US citizenship. That makes me the only true African American here. So fukoff NAACP.