Cell phone + PDA or Smartphone?

I'm getting ready to reup with Sprint and quite also by happenstance, I need a PDA because my life is soooooo hectic, what with all those important meetings and business lunches, (actuallly, I have three kids with schedules so nutty, I feel the need for the first time in my life to put things into some sort of organization just to keep up.)

So, I am faced with getting whatever phone that Sprint can hook me up with for the rebate + a couple of bucks, and a PDA that will set me back a couple hundred, or a PDA cell phone (smartphone?) that can do both, like the Treo 650 or something.

The nice thing about the PDA is I can get extra software (mapping, reef notes, and that sort of thing), and use it while I'm on the phone if I need to, as well as import Outlook data straight to it, the downside is having another piece of gear to strap onto my belt.

I've gotten a paper organizer, but it is bulkier, and my handwriting stinks on ice when I'm in a hurry, also, I have practically everything already on outlook so I need something that will sync up my contacts, schedule, and anything else I feel the need to straighten out.

Cellphone + PDA or Smartphone??