Stupid Brother Pothead Story


Veteran XV
I have a younger brother who is currently enrolled at the Univ of Oregon. Here's what happened in the last two weeks.

About three years ago he went to Germany for a year as an exchange student. When he left he was in JROTC, a staunch republican, and had a clean slate. When he returned he quit ROTC, went Green Party, and had become an alcoholic/smoker/pothead.

Within a year he had a DUI, two MIPs, and two distributing to minors. At that point he wasn't even 18 yet.

Luckily, he made it in to U of O. But, shit hit the fan this last month. Each term he gets about $2000 financial aid for rent/food/books.

He blows 2000 of financial aid on alcohol and weed in three weeks.
Comes to my dad, says, hey, I don't have any food money! Or rent money!
Dad feels bad, goes down to visit, gives him $1000 bucks for food and pays his rent.
Bro gets job driving a zamboni.
Bro blows $1000 in 2 weeks.
Bro calls mom saying he has no money for food.

WTF my brother has turned into a pothead loser.


Brother blows $3000 financial aid and parent money on weed and alcohol in five weeks.
Now asking mom and dad separatly for food/rent money.
houston said:
he's stupid and smokes weed, not stupid because he smokes weed

just to get that out of the way
ding ding ding winnnnnnnner

the weed is a secondary thing, the primary thing is that he is a fucking toolbag.
Agreed. You can't "smoke yourself stupid" like some people like to say, you have to be stupid to begin with.
yep, he's a dick that needs a waking up or he may slide down

1/2 way through each semester, i managed to blow my student loan (mostly booze/pot). the difference is, i then got a job to make sure i could still stay in school and continue my education

thankfully he is young and will probably be able to recover from this
tanks, 'n it was actually Hymie


not to derail the you know what happened in Germany to turn him into a slacker?
i dont know how anyone could blow 2 grand in three weeks on pot, you'd probably have to smoke yourself unconscious daily (unless you pay wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much). christ thats like 100 bucks a day

he must have drank a LOT
im sure if he is blowing that much money in two weeks that he is doing something other than weed... coke? x? oxys?
Breyer said:
Agreed. You can't "smoke yourself stupid" like some people like to say, you have to be stupid to begin with.
u can't smoke yourself stupid but you can smoke yourself into "pretty fucked up."