How to get rid of stale cig smoke smell


Miss Deaf Texas++
Veteran XX
Fucker in the downstairs apartment is a god damned chimney and it's coming up through the stairway and possibly even the walls. Outside of spraying air freshener, which really doesn't help all that much, wtf can I do to get rid of this. Too cold to open windows atm. The air cleaner I have is mostly for airborne dust and allergens.

The new landlords (assholes) have said that they do allow smoking in the house so bitching at them won't do shit. There is no way this fuck wit will quit smoking because he's smoking us out either. I swear to fucking god I hate people.
Will have to try that Febreze stuff out. I prolly just need to go down there again and give this dude a swift kick in the nuts. I've already talked to him about it once.
SaintDude... have you tried Ozium??? It's actually more difficult to find on the web than it is in stores, you should be able to find it in a walmart, kmart, target, or kroger. I used to smoke quite a bit of potweed in the dorms, and found this little gem more than adequate at getting rid of the smell damn quickly and efficiently. A little bit of spray goes a really long way with this stuff, and it comes in a variety of scents (I enjoy citrus). I'm positive this will work on stale smoke as well, the only issue is, you're going to have to spray if everyonce in a while, because you can't really stop the stale smoke from invading your fine place of residence.
Skipperlipicus said:
SaintDude... have you tried Ozium??? It's actually more difficult to find on the web than it is in stores, you should be able to find it in a walmart, kmart, target, or kroger. I used to smoke quite a bit of potweed in the dorms, and found this little gem more than adequate at getting rid of the smell damn quickly and efficiently. A little bit of spray goes a really long way with this stuff, and it comes in a variety of scents (I enjoy citrus). I'm positive this will work on stale smoke as well, the only issue is, you're going to have to spray if everyonce in a while, because you can't really stop the stale smoke from invading your fine place of residence.
Ozium is the way.
But seriously,

Buy some extra weather stripping to seal around your door Really good, to prevent hallway airflow from getting in your APT,

THEN Clean the walls with TSP, Dilluted 32-1 Ratio to hot water, sprinkle Bakeing Soda on the carpet (Let set for few hours) then Vacuum up. Or have Carpet Professionaly Steam Cleaned.
Get DDR for the PS2 and a pair of dance mats, and invite friends over to play all through the night. When he comes bitching make a deal with him - when he quits smoking like a forest fire you will quit dancing the night away.

But no chance is someone going to stop or slow down smoking because of someone else's complaints. I know where you're coming from, the couple in the apartment next to me both chainsmoke when they're home, and it somehow gets into my apartment. They smoke so much in there that when I am coming or going I can tell if they have opened their door in the last 5 minutes because the walkway outside our doors smells like an ashtray.