2) Do not be a fucktwat.

5) Or if you post on tw and she totally mashes with your other supermodel bee-grilfriends and hip sports cars.
FORT BRAGG, Calif. (AP) - A man on a weekend getaway was arrested after allegedly burglarizing the Fort Bragg motel where he was staying, then leaving a note indicating where to find him.

Enrique Rodriguez Vasquez, 37, was arrested on suspicion of burglary and possession of methamphetamine after police confronted him at the Best Western motel room he’d described in the note.

Vasquez and his main squeeze, Dana Lynn Jensen, were staying in the hotel and weren’t too happy with the service. So they decided to leave a note, which is quite possibly the worst thing ever written on hotel stationary since Vanilla Ice got the idea for his entire music library in a Florida Days Inn.

Here’s the note and, no, these are the actual typos from the note. The only way it could be an exact recreation is if I could write it in crayon.

“There was no one here to attend us guest in rm427. You even left the office unattended. You could have been burglurized … Your lucky I didn’t steele.

And here’s the shocker: after the police caught up to them thanks to their note/treasure map, they found methamphetamines. That’s right, they were on drugs! So remember kids, drugs might make you cool, but it will make you just as stupid.
so baby bew have you completed the journey through special world yet?

when I played through it I was quite surprised at the name of the last level, but I must say it really boosted my ego
Yes I just defeated the special world today

Apparantly I am a super special player or something