[Cooking] Super Bowl Sunday Recipes


Veteran XV
Looking for something out of the norm to try this sunday, typical steak, hot dogs, kielbasas and chili kinda getting old. What's some of the fantabulous dishes the tdub chefs prepare on the Lord's favorite day?

1 large block of Velveeta cheese
2 cans original Rotel diced tomatoes
1 log Owens spicy ground sausage

First cut cheese into 1 inch cubes. Place cheese in crock pot and melt on medium heat. When cheese is almost melted, add undrained rotel tomatoes.

Now in a medium sauté pan brown sausage until done. Add the sausage to the cheese mixture, then cover and simmer until thoroughly heated.

Serve with Tostada chips at parties or any group occasions.

NOTE: We don't do it with the sausage. Just the rotel and cheese. Also we eat it with potato chips and not nachos.
- Well weather permitting burgers & brats. BBQ chicken
- 7 layer dip (Its a must)
- Massive amounts of chips/beer
- Mini sandwiches (crissoant sandwiches usually)
- Hot Wings!!!!!1
- Some form of potatoe salad