[Introducing] TW's newest 'should-be' feature.. DECLARE YOUR ALLEGIANCE!


Veteran XV

There should be a set of questions that everyone fills out, and is never allowed to edit.

It's called 'DECLARE YOUR ALLEGIANCE'.. in caps, and all. It makes it cool. You can even add some fucking punctuation marks.

And you have to choose whether you support, for example, Science or Religion.

There can be 5, maybe 10 questions on hot topics at TW. Maybe as more topics come up, admins can remove old stale ones and add new DECLARATIONS.

This information is READILY available to other TW posters.

So that way, when you post a thread like

'you guys are fucking idiots'
you guys are idiots, how can you not believe in christ and still celebrate christmas

the posters at TW will be able to check your ALLEGIANCE CHOICE for said topic and know whether you're just stirring fucking bullshit.. and subsequently ignore you.

But, a built-in mechanism to prevent.. well, orbital, .. and a few others.. from intentionally declaring FALSE ALLEGIANCE will be that, if someone says something quite contrary to their allegiance,

Kurayami declares he is a bible thumper so he can make up bullshit posts and anger people.

but then, when his guard slips up and he reasonably answers in another post that he supports the scientific view of evolution..

He will then be flagged for FALSE ALLEGIANCE and subjected to ban.

So then people who genuinely believe in, for example, creationism, and people who genuinely believe in evolution, can BATTLE IT OUT.. and it can be a REAL ARGUMENT.

And, maybe once every couple months you can have the option to SWITCH ALLEGIANCE for a trait or two based on if something has been discovered. (God himself descends onto Earth to guide us..)

Yeah. I'm only half-serious, really.

But shit, people, it's getting out of hand. Unfortunately there's too many members at TW for everyone to be able to know everyone else and point out bullshit posts, so we get these huge arguments happening that are based on nothing but empty air.



ed- cliffs.

posters have a profile setting where you have to MAKE CLEAR your opinions on hot topics. like religion vs. science

that way people can call you out when you make fucking bullshit statements to start fights for no reason

to prevent people 'choosing wrong allegiance so they can start fights', you can FLAG somebody if they show signs of FALSE ALLEGIANCE.

intended as a bit of a joke, so read post.
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no because that takes all the fucking fun out of my posting

i love stirring shit up for you faggots to soil yourselves over
I declare my allegiance to this picture.

I vow to change my opinion when new evidence turns up later and pretend it was my opinion all along so that only kura can stick it to me.