X-Men 3 Teaser Pics Up

No X-men 4 :(

That Wolverine spinoff better not be as shitty as shitty as Catwoman and Elektra :(
Those wings just look silly. Shold have more feathers, not a bright, and more layers.
lol all they post are pics of characters and its "omg this will suck"

at least wait until we see the trailer tomorrow before you can even think of hating a movie before you see it :p
i agree, where the FUCK is Gambit.

Gambit was always the most bad ass. They need to show his love affair with Rogue too, dammit.
Kelsey Grammar should have just stayed the fuck outta this movie. The first Beast hey had (Steve Bacic) was more than ample for this role: well-spoken, intelligent, and BUILT like blue Beast. What a collosal fuckup. :ugh: