The I walked Passed a Nigger and Said Nigger Thread.


Veteran X
So I was at my friends apartment complex, were walking to his car past his apartment and up above he has stairs for a second floor.
We were at the mall today and Im a tall white guy with a shaved head (razor) and I said to my friend 'You should have seen all the niggers at the mall today looking at me' and they were both like, 'dude your fucking idiot!' and we got to the car and im like what, they said there Nigger neighbor was right there up above me when I said it, and he yelled out 'WHAT!?!' but I didnt even hear him.

-Said Nigger infront of nigger
-Situation could have turned violent
done that plenty of times and never really got "beef" from anyone. In fact i just did it today in the restaurant.
noobfactorNF said:
well not matter what I say wont convince you its not gay, so I figure ill accept it. Seriously, im not that skinny, 6"4 195lbs.

This thread was poorly written. An illiterate 10 year old with no arms could write better than you. A 10 year old also probably weighs more than you.
Wow, you sure are a classy guy living in the twenty first century.

This thread is little more than the shit stain on the underwear of TW.